Digital Science

The State of Open Data 2020

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Version 2 2020-12-01, 12:43
Version 1 2020-12-01, 09:55
posted on 2020-12-01, 12:43 authored by Digital ScienceDigital Science, Mark HahnelMark Hahnel, Leslie D. McIntoshLeslie D. McIntosh, Alan HyndmanAlan Hyndman, Grace BaynesGrace Baynes, Merce CrosasMerce Crosas, Brian NosekBrian Nosek, Kathleen Shearer, Mariette van SelmMariette van Selm, Greg Goodey, Nature ResearchNature Research

We’re proud to release our fifth State of Open Data report and feel inspired and encouraged that most open data trends are heading in the right direction.

The report outlines the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on research and how this has influenced researchers' data sharing behaviour.

Alongside survey results from 4,500 participants, the report includes a collection of articles from global industry experts.
