Digital Science

Contextualizing Sustainable Development Research

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Version 2 2020-05-07, 10:32
Version 1 2020-05-07, 10:13
posted on 2020-05-07, 10:32 authored by Digital ScienceDigital Science, Juergen WastlJuergen Wastl, Simon PorterSimon Porter, Hélène DrauxHélène Draux, Briony FaneBriony Fane, Daniel HookDaniel Hook
This report highlights the growth in research around the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We believe the SDGs are now more relevant than ever, for they provide a framework for recovery from the current pandemic.

In the report we ask, if we are to have an impact agenda for research, should it not be one that is informed by the SDGs? And if so, should we not be actively measuring sustainable development as part of research evaluation?
