Digital Science

Digital Science Webinar: Grand Challenges for Academic Publishing: Defining Data & The New Scientometrics

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Version 2 2017-12-01, 14:18
Version 1 2017-11-27, 17:11
posted on 2017-12-01, 14:18 authored by Digital ScienceDigital Science

You will learn about:

  • How the structure of academic research is changing and what that means for your business
  • The cutting-edge techniques that are changing the way we classify research and build taxonomies
  • How publishers, universities and governments are using new types of data to make strategic decisions
  • Some simple ways that you can begin to harness scientometrics to help your business

Thought leaders speaking on the webinar:

Phill Jones, Director of Publishing Innovation, Digital Science

Helene Draux, Research Data Scientist, Digital Science

Mike Taylor, Head of Metrics Development, Digital Science
