Digital Science

Digital Science Webinar: Connected Culture of Collaboration

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Version 2 2017-04-10, 08:26
Version 1 2017-04-07, 13:31
posted on 2017-04-10, 08:26 authored by Digital ScienceDigital Science, Overleaf, Laura WheelerLaura Wheeler

This webinar includes contributors from Overleaf’s report, “The Connected Culture of Collaboration”, who give their global perspectives on scholarly collaboration. 

The report focuses on the varying aspects of collaboration: how collaboration is valued in science, the role of university libraries in research communication, and how the growth of open access facilitates collaboration.


John Hammersley, Cofounder and CEO of Overleaf

Liz Allen, Director of Strategic Initiatives at F1000

Helen B. Josephine, Stanford University Libraries
