GRID release 2015-09-22 in JSON
The first public release of the GRID database.
Please note, the csv download only includes IDs, names & locations. See the JSON download for all metadata including types & relationships
Please see here for a descriotion of the database format:
Release notes:
Database seeded from research institutes in grant data from over 65 global funders.
GeoNames IDs added to all institutes.
NUTS codes added to all European institutes.
Metadata added for the top 3000 Universities, majority of Germany and Australia and many more.
Parent / Child relationships added for 65 super institute members (e.g. Max Planck, Chinese Academy of Sciences, etc.)
External identification systems:
- HESA institution codes (Higher Education Statistics Agency UK)
- UCAS institution codes (Universities and Colleges Admissions Service, UK)
- UKPRN institution codes (UK Provider Reference Number, UK)
- 4373 Fundref codes